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ID Notice 12487
Domaine Monographie
Type document livre
Titre propre War of words : language, politics and 9/11
Auteurs auteur, Silberstein Sandra
Editeurs Routledge Taylor & Francis Group
Date de parution 2002
Langue anglais
Descripteurs 11 septembre 2001 ; attentat ; Etats Unis ; langage ; New York ; terrorisme
from War of Words
In a media age, wars are waged not only with bombs and planes but with video and sound bites. War of Words is an incisive report from the linguistic battlegrounds, probing the tales told about 9/11 to show how Americans created consensus in the face of terror. Capturing the campaigns for America's hearts, minds, wallets, and~ votes, Silberstein traces the key cultural conflicts that surfaced after the attacks :
- The attacks on critical intellectuals for their perceived "blame America first" attitude
- The symbiotic relationship between terrorists and the media
- (Mis)representations of Al Qaeda and the Taliban used to justify military action
- The commercialization of 9/11
- News as "entertainment" even when covering tragic events
- The language presidents use to adopt extraordinary powers in wartime

A perceptive and disturbing account, War of Words reveals the role of the media in manufacturing events and illuminates the shifting sands of American collective identity in the post-9/11 world.
Sommaire Acknowledgments IX
Introduction XI

1 From Terror to War : The War on Terrorism 1
2 Becoming President 39
3 From News to Entertainment: Eyewitness Accounts 61
4 New York Becomes America(n) 91
5 Selling America 107
6 "The New McCarthyism" 127
7 Schooling America: Lessons on Islam and Geography 149

References 161
Index 167
ISSN 0 415 29047 3